Federation African Law Students Becomes an Institutional Member of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association


The Federation of African Law Students (FALAS) has become an institutional member of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA). The Commonwealth Lawyers Association is a membership organisation for professional lawyers, academics and students practising within the Commonwealth. The CLA welcomes qualified international lawyers and academics with an interest in its work.

With this membership, FALAS will receive access to the members’ only networking platform CLA Connect and have access to the quarterly Commonwealth Lawyer Journal. The CLA is setting up 5 committees within CLA for climate justice, human rights and rule of law, technology and the law, Mediation and ADR and corporate/commercial debates and projects and when these are set up, members will be able to join these committees and participate.

As a corollary to the above, the Executive Committee of the CLA has offered our wider FALAS membership who are interested to join the CLA a special time limited individual membership rate of £10 (ten pounds) until 10th September. If in case you are interested, kindly contact us for some further information on how this would work.
This offer comes at a time when the CLA Young Lawyers are hosting a virtual conference on 22nd September from 7.00 am – 4.30 pm CAT. Anyone can register for the conference but there will be a charge of £15 (ten pounds) for non CLA members whilst it is free for members.

There has never been a better time to join, as payment of £10 will secure CLA membership and entitle any interested party in registering for the virtual event for free.

FALAS members will also have a special discounted rate at the 23rd Commonwealth Law Conference in Goa 5th-9th March 2023 and the CLA would be delighted to welcome you to the event, particularly as all FALAS members would be eligible to attend the bespoke programme and networking day on 5th March devoted to students and young lawyers.

Written by;

Grace Waiswa Nsaawa
International Secretary General
For the Federation of African Law Students

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